IN the lead-up to Wednesday night’s Chandler Medal, EFL Media’s Peter Baird spoke to each of the coaches to get their thoughts on who would poll well and take out their respective division’s best and fairest.
Coaches were asked to nominate their three standout players from the division and award 3, 2 and 1 votes respectively to who they believe would take home the award.
In Division 4, the big full forward from Surrey Park, Chris Smith, was the coaches’ favourite tip receiving maximum votes from four of the ten coaches, followed closely by Coldstream dynamo, Darcy Carrigan who was selected by three of the men in charge of their sides.
Other players to receive maximum votes to take home the Perc James Medal were Matthew Mariani (Whitehorse Pioneers), Beau Parthenides (Glen Waverley Hawks) and Jason Kennedy (East Burwood) who were all nominated by one coach.

Full details of all the votes awarded and totals are detailed in the table below:
NameClubVotesTotalChris SmithSurrey Park21333315Darcy CarriganColdstream2331312Jason KennedyEast Burwood13228Ed SimWhitehorse Pioneers2226Matthew MarianiWhitehorse Pioneers3126Beau ParthenidesGlen Waverley Hawks314Trent MartinSilvan213Daniel LemonSilvan22Adrian GilenoEast Burwood11Alex BullKilsyth11Scott DavisEast Burwood11Jake DavisForest Hill11
In Division 3, Heathmont superstar Brent English and Scoresby veteran, Paul Chadwick, were by far the most popular picks.
English received maximum votes from five of the 12 coaches, whereas Chadwick was selected to take home the Paul Edie Medal by four of the coaches. Other players to receive maximum votes were Ringwood and The Basin midfielders Mitch Jackson and Jayden Brown, and Scoresby forward, Dale Hehir.

Full details of all the votes awarded and totals are detailed in the table below:
NameClubVotesTotalBrent EnglishHeathmont2223333321Paul ChadwickScoresby2332321319Trent FarmerRingwood2222210Mitch FarmerRingwood11114Luke HannonBoronia1214Mitch JacksonRingwood33Jayden BrownThe Basin33Dale HehirScoresby33Daniel CrippsTemplestowe112Adam BronsgeestScoresby11Fin BrownHeathmont11
Check out tomorrow for the coaches’ predictions in Division 1 and 2.