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EFNL Coach Development Sessions

Find below a list of workshops provided by EFNL and AFL Victoria to support the development of club coaches.

Registration for the workshops is through the CoachAFL website – Library – Coach – Workshop – Victoria.

All workshops are free and will provide a range of practical ideas to support and develop coaches involved in coaching junior and youth football in season 2023.

New Coach Induction

The New Coach Induction workshop will provide strategies to support club coaches who are undertaking the role for the first time or returning coaches. This includes:

  1. Creating a coaching philosophy – 5 C’s of coaching

  2. Positive coaching and learning environments

  3. Building relationships

  4. Developing skills and decision making

  5. Practical activities using the Junior Coaching Curriculum

  6. Game Day Coaching

  7. Review and Reflection

Workshop Dates:

Workshop 1:

Date: Monday May 1 starting at 6:45 pm – 9:00 pm

Venue: Boronia Football Club – Tormore Road Boronia

Bring: Note pad and pen

Wear: Comfortable clothing eg tracksuit and runners

Workshop 2:

Date: Tuesday May 2 starting at 6:45 pm – 9:00 pm

Venue: Boronia Football Club – Tormore Road Boronia

Bring: Note pad and pen

Wear: Comfortable clothing eg tracksuit and runners

Club Coaching Coordinators

Club Coach Coordinators and Coach Directors Workshop will provide strategies to help coaches improve their practice sessions. This includes a focus on observation, feedback, conversation and planning:

  1. The Practice Session – What are you looking for?

  2. Developing Observation Tools

  3. Implementing a Reflection Strategy

  4. Preparing a Coach Development Plan

Workshop 1: Club Coach Coordinators

Date: Tuesday May 9 starting at 6:45 pm – 9:00 pm

Venue: Boronia Football Club – Tormore Road Boronia

Bring: Note pad and pen

Wear: Comfortable clothing eg tracksuit and runners

Coaching at Training – Kicking and Game Sense

The Coach at Training workshop will provide an overview of Game Sense coaching strategies, how to use the AFL Coaching Curriculum to support club coaches who are undertaking the role for the first time. This includes:

  1. What is Game Sense coaching?

  2. Replicating game scenarios at training

  3. Teaching Kicking drills and skills

  4. Creating a Kicking program

Workshop 1:

Date: Wednesday May 10th starting at 6:45 pm – 9:00 pm

Venue: Bayswater Oval, corner of Bayswater Road and Mountain Highway

Bring: Note pad and pen

Wear: Comfortable clothing eg tracksuit and runners

Workshop 2:

Date: Wednesday May 24 starting at 6:45 pm – 9:00 pm

Venue: Bayswater Oval, corner of Bayswater Road and Mountain Highway

Bring: Note pad and pen

Wear: Comfortable clothing eg tracksuit and runners

Please see below links for the workshops. These workshops are now open for registrations.

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