BUDDING sports journalist? Looking for hands-on sports media experience across all platforms during 2014? Love your footy?
Come and join the media team at the Eastern Football League.
The EFL Media Team is a dedicated group of volunteers that produce the league’s radio, football record and website coverage each week.
It gives volunteers an opportunity to experience different areas of the media through practical experience, which is advantageous for those hoping to forge a career in this area.
There are a number of roles you can undertake across different platforms with the EFL Media Team…
Print: Writer or columnist for the Eastern Footballer (EFL weekly record)
Web: Writer or columnist for the EFL website
Radio: Play-By-Play Commentator, Special Comments, Stats, Boundary Rider, Studio Panel Member
Social Media: Matchday updates through Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
Photography: Matchday Photographer
Video: Panel member and interviewer for our various shows, as well as editing
Graphic Design: Design for logos and pictures for stories.
If you are interested in being part of the EFL Media Team in 2014, contact Media Manager Ben Waterworth via email (bwaterworth@efnl.org.au) and provide your resume, or call or 9762 5766.