The 2019 junior boys’ grand finals take place across eight venues this Sunday, while the finals series continues for the Eastern Region Girls.
Players, spectators and officials are advised to familiarise themselves with the below information. The League wishes all participating clubs the best of luck for their respective finals campaigns.
Price of admission to all junior finals games is $5.00 per adult. Children under 17 years are admitted free of charge.
Please communicate this to all interested parties to avoid arguments at entrance gates.
Admission price is for one venue only – if you attend another ground on the same day, you will need to pay another admission cost.
Dogs are banned at all EFL games including finals and alcohol is not permitted to be brought into any finals venue. It would be appreciated if all clubs would stress these points to their supporters.
In the event of a drawn game in any of the finals (including grand finals) the following conditions will apply:
Goal umpires will confirm the scores.
Players will not change ends after full time, but will kick to the same end as they were in the fourth quarter.
Field umpires will re-commence the game for the duration of five (5) minutes. The siren will sound, the teams will change ends and a further five (5) minutes is played.
If the game is still drawn after the second five (5) minute period, play is to continue and the siren will sound after the first score.
At no stage during extra time will coaches be permitted to address players
The EFL’s Code of Conduct is designed to help improve the environment for players and supporters.
It’s important that everyone involved on match days is familiar with what is considered to be ‘reasonable behaviour’.
Remember that children play football for fun – they are not playing for your entertainment, nor are they miniature professionals.
Encourage players to participate, do not force them.
Focus on the players’ efforts – never ridicule or yell at a player for making a mistake or losing the game.
Remember that players learn best from example.
Applaud good play by both teams.
Encourage players to always participate according to the rules and respect official’s decisions.
Recognise the value and importance of volunteer coaches and officials.
An umpire’s job is a difficult one – put yourself in their position – how would you like to be treated?
If you disagree with an official, raise the issue through the appropriate channels rather than questioning the official’s judgement and honesty in public.
Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour by not harassing or using foul language to umpires, players, coaches, or other spectators.
Condemn the use of violence in any form, be it by spectators, coaches, officials or players.
Respect the rights and dignity of every player regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
Discuss the Codes of Conduct with your son/daughter so that you are both aware of your obligations.
Actively promote the Codes of Conduct at all times.
Spectators are asked to stay off the playing arena during the quarter time and three-quarter time during grand final breaks to assist with the League’s scheduling of matches
Spectators are however welcome on the playing arena at half-time and at the conclusion of matches for the grand final post-match presentations
Always play by the rules.
Control your temper – treat others as you would like to be treated – bullying will not be tolerated.
Verbal abuse to umpires, officials or other players is not acceptable.
Never argue with an umpire or official. If you disagree, discuss the matter with your coach.
Co-operate, support and encourage your teammates – your team’s performance will benefit, so will you.
Respect the rights and dignity of all players regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
Play for the “fun of it” – it’s just a game!
VENUES & FIXTURES Please see the boys’ fixtures below, and CLICK HERE for all Eastern Region Girls fixtures.
11A Vermont Purple v Mitcham Black – 9am, Morton Park, Blackburn
11B The Basin v Knox Red – 11.40am, Walker Reserve, Wantirna South
11C Knox Black v Ferntree Gully Eagles – 9am, Batterham Reserve, The Basin
11D Donvale v South Croydon/Kilsyth – 10am, Walker Reserve, Wantirna South
12A Lysterfield Teal v Blackburn Black – 12.30pm, Morton Park, Blackburn 12B The Basin v Wantirna South – 1.20pm, Walker Reserve, Wantirna South 12C Lilydale v South Belgrave – 12.30pm, Batterham Reserve, The Basin 12D Bayswater v Rowville Knights – 10.40am, Morton Park, Blackburn 12E East Ringwood White v Vermont Gold – 10.40am, Batterham Reserve, The Basin
13A Vermont Purple v Mitcham – 11am, Scoresby Recreation Reserve, Scoresby 13B Norwood v Rowville Knights – 10am, East Ringwood Reserve, East Ringwood 13C Glen Waverley Hawks v Donvale – 2.20pm, Batterham Reserve, The Basin 13D Vermont Gold v Boronia – 2.20pm, Morton Park, Blackburn
14A East Ringwood Blue v Blackburn Black – 10am, Walker Park, Mitcham 14B Wantirna South v Knox – 11.50am, East Ringwood Reserve, East Ringwood 14C Ferntree Gully Eagles White v Mooroolbark Gold – 10am, Seebeck Oval, Rowville 14D Blackburn Red v The Basin – 10am, Ferntree Gully Reserve, Ferntree Gully
15A North Ringwood Red v Lysterfield Teal – 12.50pm, Scoresby Recreation Reserve, Scoresby 15B Rowville v Heathmont – 12.10pm, Walker Park, Mitcham 15C Lilydale v Chirnside Park – 12.10pm, Ferntree Gully Reserve, Ferntree Gully 15D Glen Waverley Hawks v Coldstream – 12.10pm, Seebeck Oval, Rowville
17P East Ringwood Blue v Vermont – 3pm, Scoresby Recreation Reserve, Scoresby 17A Montrose Blue v Mooroolbark Green – 2.20pm, Walker Park, Mitcham 17B Upper Ferntree Gully v Norwood – 2pm, East Ringwood Reserve, East Ringwood 17C Waverley Blues v Vermont Purple – 2.20pm, Seebeck Oval, Rowville 17D East Burwood v Croydon – 2.20pm, Ferntree Gully Reserve, Ferntree Gully