The Eastern Football League, in conjunction with AFL Victoria and FightMND, is proud to be supporting Sockit2MND Round this weekend, to raise funds and awareness for motor neurone disease.

FightMND is Australia’s leading independent MND organisation.
We are fighting to find effective treatments and a cure for motor neurone disease, or as founder Neale Daniher calls it ‘The Beast.’
MND is a ‘Beast’ that takes people, the lives of two Australians every day.
Recent statistics estimate there are around 1,200 people in Australia currently diagnosed with MND and about 400 new diagnoses each year.
It also takes people to fight it, and through initiatives such as the Big Freeze and now Sockit2MND, your support will allow us to continue the funding of critical research for MND through clinical trials, to allow researchers to develop ways to slow or prevent the progression of the disease and, ultimately, find a cure.
Join us as we Freeze the Boss in a fundraiser event this Saturday, at half-time of the Division 1 clash between Norwood and Blackburn at Mullum Reserve.
EFL CEO Phil Murton, along with Norwood president Mark Etherington, Blackburn president Matt Breen and Bendigo Bank chairman Stuart Greig will be taking the plunge into icy-cold water as we Freeze the Boss for MND.